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2023 Spring Hong Kong Electronics Show April 12-15

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2023 Spring Hong Kong Electronics Show April 12-15

2023 Spring Hong Kong Electronics Show April 12-15

2023 Spring Hong Kong Electronics Show April 12-15 The Spring Consumer Electronics Exhibition officially opens today. We welcome major buyers to visit and receive various exquisite hand gifts and samples. 당신이 우리의 제품에 흥미있는 경우에, you can also visit the factory!


    회사의 주요 판매 디지털 알람 시계, 와이파이 일기 예보, smart home detector and other products.Have a complete set of processes, 포함: product design and structural design.Product performance test · plastic injection.Automated assembly line planning and product assembly.The company has 4,500 평방 미터 이상 150 직원.


    NO.7, 리안니 스트리트,탕켄로드,헝강 타운,룽강 지구,심천시,중국

    이메일: yghao@yghao.com


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